Scholarships and Grants

Special Projects Fund

2024 Applications are now closed - Next applications open in 2025


The special project fund supports innovative and interesting projects that support the osteopathic profession, DOs, students, and the things DOs do across the country and the world. It helps support projects like:

  • an effort to expand pediatric osteopathic medicine,

  • a DOCARE mission to Guatemala and Nicaragua, and

  • an awareness campaign to show the dangers of texting while driving.

The money raised to support the fund comes from donations at the Fun Run at each year’s OMED Conference and exposition. Learn more about the Fun Run:

Have a look at a few of our recent Special Projects here:

Kirksvills SAA’s Guatemala Medical Mission

IOMA Website Update

Michigan’s Mini Medical Schools

OSU-COM Thanksgiving Dinner

Museum of Osteopathic Medicine and International Center for Osteopathic History Digitization Project

Holiday Hug Award

The Advocates for the AOA, in partnership with the American Osteopathic Foundation (AOF), created the “Holiday Hug” Grant in 2020 to help three medical students or current residents with year-end expenses.   Expenses relating to residency programs and/or medical school can be particularly challenging around year-end Holidays for those who have children to support. Recognizing this, the Advocates of AOA have created a fund to provide assistance to those truly in need.  With the mission of supporting osteopathic medicine, it is our hope that this grant can support you and your family. Additional information found here: Holiday Hug Award page

AAOA Sponsors the SOMA New Member Scholarship

The Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) New Member Scholarship was developed for new members of SOMA (i.e., students signing up for SOMA during the fall membership drive). Scholarships are awarded each Fall based on an essay on the topic: “Vision of Osteopathic Medicine.” Six new SOMA members per fall registration are each awarded a $600 scholarship sponsored by the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association.

Donna Jones Moritsugu Award

The AAOA sponsors and partners with the American Osteopathic Foundation for the Donna Jones Moritsugu Award. The partner of one graduating osteopathic medical student at each COM is honored with this award that exemplifies the role of a professional’s partner by providing immeasurable support of his or her mate, family, and the osteopathic profession, while being an individual in their own right.

A.T. Still Fit For Life Fun Run

Each year at OMED, the AAOA hosts the A.T. Still Fit For Life Fun Run, a timed 5K run/walk race with the proceeds going towards the AAOA Special Projects Grant Fund. These grants allow osteopathic organizations and affiliates to apply for and receive money toward community projects across the country.